The backing music is really solid with the synthetic hum and quality drum track. Very agreeable for this genre of music. The lyrics shined in their use of lexical stress and connotative usage. The lyrics did not spoon feed nor bewilder you like most independent artists tend to do which I feel is the highlight of the song. The only notable gripe is the audio mixing of the backing choir and main singer. Sometimes they would drown each other out, occasionally both would be drowned out by the deeper bassy hums, but both in ways that lacked a conclusive reason or intention. If this is a single/stand alone track then disregard the following; having a chorus verse to fade, close, or transition to the next song would probably help relieve the tension it builds as the final 20~ seconds just feels like it is building to a next verse. Overall a lot of good things individually that you could probably pick apart, apply, and focus in on for further works. A lot of potential I believe you have every ability to capitalize on.